The High Performance Street Riding School, Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic, has just made Superadvanced motorcycle training - devised by Lee Parks - available in the UK
Stratford upon Avon, UK – The Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic (Total Control ARC) in Stratford upon Avon has officially opened this week. The American champion rider, Lee Parks, created his unique take on motorcycle training in 1994. It is now well established in the USA and, after some test events, it is now available in the UK.
Simultaneously with the launch of the Total Control ARC, is the launch of its website at http://www.totalcontroltraining.co.uk

The term “Superadvanced” was specially coined to describe the type of training given at the clinic and to set it apart from what it is often confused with: “Advanced (or Enhanced) Riding”.
In the UK, Advanced Riding is where a policeman or a Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents instructor, or an Institute of Advanced Motorists instructor would take someone out onto the roads and show them how they can minimise hazards through using “The System”.
“This is not what we do,” explains Duncan Mackillop (Principal of Total Control in the UK) who delivers the Superadvanced motorcycle training itself. “What we teach here is fundamentally different to the methods taught in every other riding school in the country. They teach, essentially, about planning for and managing the hazards that you would encounter every day when out riding your bike.”
Although Total Control does cover how riders interact with the environment, especially the management of corners, it also covers, in much greater depth, how the rider and machine interact. It is very difficult to cover these elements in depth out on the road as the environment is ever changing and the feedback loop between rider and machine changes with the environment. Total Control provides a consistent environment in the form of its training ground, so that the feedback between rider and bike is more obvious. This feedback that results from the consistent environment, is at the heart of the practical element of Total Control.
Another major difference is that, with “The System”, riders have little opportunity to discover how their mental state has such a profound effect on their riding. The Total Control Clinics give a series of short lectures between the practical exercises, that show how mental states such as fear, can be detrimental to the safe conduct of their ride due to their effect upon certain factors such as throttle control, body position and traction. The lectures also give a rider a much better understanding of how the inputs they make to the bike affect their ability to remain in control.
“As we say at the beginning of the clinic, Total Control teaches you the “real stuff” that you just can’t learn in school. i.e. you learn a lot from normal Advanced Riding schools, but with Total Control, you begin to understand the really important things that simply cannot be learnt out on the road. If “The System” is represented by Advanced training, then Total Control is represented by Superadvanced training, as it expands upon what you have already learned from Advanced training,” adds Duncan.
Total Control ARC recommends that every rider get hold of a copy of Total Control: High-Performance Street Riding Techniques by Lee Parks, which is the second-biggest selling motorcycle-riding self-help book in the US, second only to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Guide To Motorcycling Excellence, (the American version of the UK’s Roadcraft - The Police Riders Guide to Better motorcycling). The book can be ordered online through Total Control ARC’s website http://www.totalcontroltraining.co.uk.
About Total Control ARC
The Total Control ARC has a solution for those experienced riders who want to be able to further enhance their skills in a controlled environment with expert instruction. The Total Control System was devised by motorcycle championship-winner and Chief instructor, Lee Parks, who had been racing for 25 years. He then spent five years as the editor and chief test rider of Motorcycle Consumer News where he road tested every new street motorcycle available in the U.S. and became one of the top performance-testing journalists in the world. Lee's staff of personally-trained instructors make Total Control available all over the U.S. and Europe. In the UK, Total Control Superadvanced Riding Clinics are delivered by Duncan MacKillop and Penny Glover, both of whom have a wealth of experience in Superadvanced rider training.
For further information, please contact:
Duncan Mackillop
Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic
1 Hands Paddock
Newbold on Stour
Stratford upon Avon
CV37 8UD
01789 450828
Submitted by:
John Wood
+44 777 152 0001