New audiobook serves up bite-size stories of legendary achievement to inspire the soul and ignite your passion and purpose!
LOS ANGELES - On Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at the stroke of midnight, the Going Supernova: The Bold Paths of 101 Superachievers audiobook will stream Facebook Live broadcasts for 24 hours to inspire the superachievers of tomorrow to reach for the stars and Go Supernova! The launch is scheduled to coincide with Labor Day Week to celebrate human achievement. Viewers can tune in and watch superachievers preview their stories, updating everyone on their latest achievements and sharing inspiration and shortcuts to success on how to boldly go where your own human potential may not have even dared to dream to go! Each superachiever will stream live on their own Facebook page with each video also being shared at:
The marathon will kickoff with a special pre-show of Going Supernova author and mentorographer Molly Lavik streaming live interviews in the studio where the audio book was created on September 6th from 9:00 p.m. to midnight PDT at Plastic Dog Recording in Los Angeles, CA. The live streams will then continue throughout the entire day of September 7th with a list of the following superachievers scheduled to participate available by visiting:
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Get "Going Supernova Audiobook to accomplish your dreams and goals!" #GOSUPERNOVA"About Going Supernova: The Bold Paths of 101 Superachievers
Molly Lavik has curated the lessons and insights of 101+ superachievers in a collection of life stories that you, too, can use—no matter what your goal or past experience may be—to pave your own path to success, happiness, and self-fulfillment. She calls this concept Going Supernova, because it can help you, too, become one of the brightest stars in the universe!
One of the life stories (Chapter 112) is that of John Wood, social media expert and founder of WorldWidePR, entitled John Wood’s Story – From Loving Monty Python’s Flying Circus to Becoming its Number One Fan in the World.
Going Supernova: The Bold Paths of 101 Superachievers was recently released as an audiobook and is available from Audible, an Amazon company. To hear a sample and purchase the audiobook, go to:
Going Supernova is also available for sale in both a printed and eBook format on Amazon ( and as a Nook book from Barnes and Noble (
Mentor InSight, Inc. is a media and consulting company that provides guidance empowering superachievement by producing educational forums and tools for people to realize their full human potential.
Mentor InSight, Inc.
Andy Pei, 626-539-4587
See also the official BusinessWire press release