Local social media marketing firm wants East Grinstead businesses to take advantage of 21st century marketing techniques
East Grinstead - WorldWidePR.net, the East Grinstead-based social media marketing firm, is hosting the town's first ever "Tweetup" - a free business get-together or "Meet-up" all centred around Twitter - at Bluebells Café in London Road from 6-9pm on Wednesday 29th February 2012.
"This is your chance to meet over a coffee, face to face, the Twitter users you've so far only met online, free of charge. A Tweetup is an informal business networking get-together, ostensibly to talk about Twitter or about any aspect of social media. Here, advanced users will have a chance to chat with other advanced users, while at the same time, beginners can chat with anyone they want to chat with, to find out what the hell this social media revolution is all about!" says John Wood, founder and creative director of WorldWidePR.net
John Wood of WorldWidePR.net at Bluebells Café, the venue for Wednesday's tweetup |
The event has certainly piqued some local interest: an article appeared in the East Grinstead Courier and Observer as well as on Sussex Living Magazine's blog last week and there's been quite a lot of noise about it on Twitter too. The event even has its own official Twitter hashtag (any string of characters prefixed with the # symbol. When included in a tweet, a hashtag serves as a tag providing a loose, free-format form of categorization), for those who wish to talk about it and promote it some more. The official hashtag for East Grinstead's first tweetup is #EGtweetup.
"The East Grinstead Courier and Observer found out about our Tweetup because they saw we were promoting it on Twitter. That's exactly how it's supposed to be," says John. "We hope you will be able to pop in for a chat on Wednesday when you can find out everything you've always wanted to know about Twitter but were afraid to ask."
The Tweetup has an Event Page on Facebook where those wishing to attend can add themselves to the list: http://www.facebook.com/events/322146294489865/
WorldWidePR.net offers an outsourced social media solutions service. You, an SME, are too busy running your business to have time to manage your blog, Facebook Page, Twitter profile etc - so we do it all for you. This allows you to take advantage of the immense power of social media marketing to promote your business while, at the same time, never having to worry about any of your profiles going out of date.
For more information, please contact:
John Wood
Founder/Creative Director
197 Garden Wood Road
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 1SH
+44 (0)1342 323750
+44 (0)777 152 0001
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