18-year-old Tatijana Hall-Roberts who will be exhibiting her designs at the show, is now able to pursue a career in fashion thanks to the Advance Centre for The Scotson Technique
London – On 17 November 2011 at the Tabernacle, London, a fashion show with a difference will take place in aid of the East Grinstead-based Advance Centre for The Scotson Technique, a charity that helps children with cerebral palsy, autism and other neurological conditions.
Top model Kelly Knox, winner of “Britain's Missing Top Model”, and stunning Dutch beauty Debbie Van Der Putten will walk in the “Diversity Show” http://www.modelsofdiversity.org/diversityshow and “Curves in Couture” http://www.modelsofdiversity.org/curvesincouture catwalk show sponsored by Models of Diversity (MoD). All proceeds from the event will aid MoD’s sponsored charity, The Advance Centre. Caroline Rush, CEO of the British Fashion Council (BFC), will attend the event. Both Sky TV and The Dish Network, North America’s third largest cable company, will be making documentaries about “Diversity Show” and “Curves in Couture”, which celebrate healthy models of all ability levels, shapes, races and ages.

Tatijana Hall-Roberts
Thanks to The Advance Centre for The Scotson Technique, 18-year-old Tatijana Hall-Roberts from Thurston in Suffolk is now able to pursue a career in fashion. Tatijana will be both displaying her designs and available for interview during the evening together with Linda Scotson, founder of the charity.
Within months of her birth, it became apparent that there was something different about Tatijana. It was only when she had a severe convulsions at 11 months old, that the complexity of her epilepsy began to reveal itself. At two, she regressed and was no longer able to speak and hid in the corner, and her convulsions continued.
Over the next 11 years, Tatijana had continual periods of blue light journeys to hospital, and even with the high dose of the anti-epileptic medicines, continued to have a variety of seizures. Then, a chance stumble across a website for autistic children connected Tatijana’s mother, Tracey, with The Advance Centre and the amazing work that Linda Scotson does with children with brain injuries. It was perfect timing, as at that point the only option the doctors could offer was extensive brain surgery to remove the scarred area of her brain. However it was not without risks and there was a chance that her seizures could get worse.
Instead, Tatijana received treatment from Linda in the latter part of her last year at this school and within weeks of starting The Scotson Technique therapy (TST), her seizure rate decreased dramatically. Tracey Clewer, Tatijana’s mother said, “She had so much more energy, she was able to keep up with conversations again, she began to develop a sense of humour and slimmed down into a lovely well toned hourglass shape. Her skin tone changed from a mottled pale colour to a clear complexion. Her eyes gained a real sparkle to them too.
“In her second year at college, Tatijana elected to major in Textiles and Fashion. TST allowed her to achieve so much more than anyone could have imagined. She ended the year as a prize-winner and achieved high grades which enabled her to get one of only 45 places to study Fashion at Norwich University College of the Arts.
“The gains we have seen over the past two years and the sustained reduction in her seizures and the improvements in her cognitive and neural capacities lay squarely at the feet of the wonderful work Linda Scotson has done through working with Tatijana and in Tatijana doing her TST therapy. Tatijana’s future looks very bright and we have so much to thank Linda Scotson and her team for.”
Linda Scotson, founder of The Advance Centre, said, “I am so happy to have been able to help Tatijana and allow her to work where her heart lies - in fashion. She is a very talented young lady and the fashion world is very lucky to have her. And we are so grateful to Angel Sinclair and her Models of Diversity for putting on this amazing fashion show to help raise funds for us so we can help more children like Tatijana.”

The Advance Centre is a teaching institute for parents with brain-damaged children. From its creation in 1996, the charity has dedicated itself to finding a way to not only advance the abilities of children with cerebral palsy and other brain injuries, but to actually reverse the structural and functional abnormalities. Linda Scotson is the Founder of the Advance Centre for The Scotson Technique. http://www.advancecentres.com

Models of Diversity is a London-based non-profit organization which advocates for more diversity in models, and demands that the fashion and marketing industries recognise the beauty in women and men of all races, ages, shapes, sizes, abilities, genders and sexual orientations. Their mission is to change the face of fashion and modeling. MoD is a campaign founded to stand for equal rights and opportunities within the modelling and fashion industry. MoD is officially supported by the British Fashion Council and has joined with Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone for the government’s campaign on body confidence. http://www.modelsofdiversity.org
For more information, please contact:
Linda Scotson
Advance Centre
..for The Scotson Technique
The Bradbury House
6 Station Road
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 1DJ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1342 311137
Submitted by: WorldWidePR.net