StopOMeter iPhone app by DSE Technology is potentially set to increase the driving test pass rate, reduce road traffic accidents and save lives
Stratford upon Avon – DSE Technology has launched an iPhone app designed to give new drivers crucial stopping distance and time information, called StopOMeter.
In order to gain experience, drivers have to cover many miles before they begin to understand the relationship between speed of travel and the distance (and time) required for them to come to a stop in an emergency. New drivers have not yet had the luxury of covering enough miles to understand this relationship. But now, the new StopOMeter iPhone app helps them learn about this relationship in a much shorter period of time.
The app shows new drivers what their exact stopping distances and stopping times are from any speed. A countdown system tells the driver whether or not their estimates of stopping distances are correct. In addition, an Eco Driving module promotes smooth and safe driving and teaches superior anticipation skills. The quicker a new driver can learn these essential skills, the less likely they are to be involved in an accident.
The Highway Code states that you should not travel faster than a speed that allows you to “stop comfortably on your own side of the road within the distance you can see to be clear”. The StopOMeter app helps new drivers keep to this golden rule in an easy-to-understand and intuitive format.
"Thanks to StopOMeter, new drivers can quickly learn the skills that experienced drivers take for granted which will help make them safer on the roads in a shorter space of time," says Duncan Mackillop, inventor of the app.
Designed to be mounted inside the car, the StopOMeter also has a Head Up Display mode so that the iPhone can be placed on top of the dashboard allowing the readings to be reflected in the windscreen. Settings for information in Metres or Feet, Mph or Kph and the sensitivity of the Eco Driving module are all easily user selectable. Comprehensive help files and a range of hints and tips for safe driving are also included.
Priced at just £1.19, this must be the lowest-cost driver-safety app available. StopOMeter can be downloaded directly from iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/stopometer/id404444736?mt=8
About the developers
The StopOMeter is the second driver training app to be launched on the iPhone by this team of highly talented software developers (the first being I’ll Drive It, an app for driving instructors). With skills gathered from the aerospace and publishing industries, the team is led by the former research and development director of one of the original dot com companies.
For further information, please contact the Inventor:
Duncan Mackillop
1 Hands Paddock
Newbold on Stour
Stratford upon Avon
CV37 8UD
07788 563400
Submitted by: WorldWidePR.net